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January 2024 Newsletter

Happy New Year!

I hope your holidays have been enjoyable and all that you wanted them to be! I am also sending you healthy vibes this time of year!!

I am reading the book Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength and Happiness by Rick Hanson (also the author of Buddha’s Brain). I found a section I wanted to share…

Our next Transformative Coaching Essentials cohort begins on July 27, 2024, and we are looking for individuals and businesses to help build our sponsorship fund.

In my ongoing series designed to show you the many different types of people who come to our coach training and the varied reasons they come, this month…

Meet Tim Stephenson

Work-Life Balance Course @ Best Lawyer Life

This is an on-line, self-paced course designed to give busy lawyers the tools to create more balance in their lives. Balance = more productivity and satisfaction at work!

Sign up by January 31st, and get $50 off the course.

Transformative Coaching Essentials 2024

Our coach training program for next year is now open!

This year marks our fifth anniversary of training coaches!

Coach-Style Leadership Workshop

What is a “coach-style leader?” This is a person in a leadership (management, supervisor) position who has learned the collaborative and empowering skills of “coaching”.