Coach Highlight – MK Chavez

Coach Highlight - MK Chavez

CM: Why did you enter TCE? And/or, what did you want to get out of it?

MK: I stepped into the TCE journey seeking the foundational skills of coaching because I had a transformative experience in coaching (as a client), and I wanted to bring that magic into the work that I do. I was looking for practical tools that resonated not just with my mind but also with my values. I didn’t know it, but it was a quest, not just for knowledge but for a deeper connection with my personal vision, and that’s what I got. I learned so much more than I could have imagined about myself and about the ways in which I was limiting myself.

CM: What is the most valuable thing you got out of TCE?

MK: In the complex tapestry of what makes TCE an amazing and powerful experience, the most luminous thread was learning to bridge worlds through communication. In our beautifully fragmented world, where differences often form chasms, coaching became my bridge. At times, it was a very challenging dance for me, with my words and my perception of words (did I mention I’m also a writer) learning to listen differently and learning to listen to understand. All this learning helped me to reach alignment and integrity with who I want to be in the world and my life’s work.

CM: Did your reasons for entering the program change through the program and if so, how?

MK: As I journeyed through TCE, my initial intentions became more expansive. What began as a search for static skills and tools transformed into a path of self-discovery and awareness. For me, the program transformed into something beyond learning; it became about seeing the world and myself in new, kaleidoscopic ways.

CM: What are you doing now with your coaching education?

MK: With the wisdom gathered from TCE, I now have a thriving practice supporting artists and writers to dare, dream, and create through individual and group coaching, and workshops.
I continue my work with organizations and individuals who are committed to collective healing and the work of building a more equitable world through facilitation, training, strategic planning, and individual and group coaching.
I wake up every morning and greet the day with curiosity, knowing that I will be inspired by the transformative magic that my clients are engaged with and grateful for the opportunity to support them on their journeys.

Learn more about MK:

On her website

About the Author

Picture of Cami McLaren

Cami McLaren

is the owner of McLaren Coaching. She has been coaching professionals and leaders since early 2008. She runs Transformative Coaching Essentials, a coach training program that produces first rate Professional Coaches and "Coach-Style Leaders." She coaches individually and works with organizations to improve communication, time management, productivity and ultimately bring greater results.

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