Client Testimonials

Certified Performance Coach

“I just finished Cami’s 10 week course for small business owners and it was fabulous—exactly what I needed to take my business to the next level.

As a stay at home mother of two small boys, often times my business does not get the attention it needs in order to thrive. I started this class feeling limited and overwhelmed with the daily demands of running a business and raising a family. Cami helped me recognize the many barriers that get in the way of my success and gave me the tools to overcome them. In addition, Cami helped to show me that with proper time management and organization, it is more than possible to optimize both my time as a successful business owner and mother.

Upon completion of the final class session, I felt empowered, inspired, excited and ready to take charge of my business. One of the best things about the accountability model that Cami teaches is that it overflowed into all areas of my life—having positively influenced my business as well as my personal relationships.

If you are ready to move your business to the next level, Cami is the perfect person to assist you! Success will require an open mind, determination, discipline and courage, but like all good things in life, it is well worth the work.”

“I have a real estate holding, development and brokerage business. One of the key benefits of the A&E class was learning how to focus on what I intend to accomplish, the tools to help produce those accomplishments and the personal commitment necessary to do so. As a result, transactions business revenue has dramatically increased since I began the class and I am now able to re-focus on larger and more important objectives.”

“After taking Cami’s Business building course I can say the course was very effective in helping me find solutions to overcoming roadblocks, and stay on task throughout a busy workday. The class is structured so each participant identifies and address our own goal or “target” actually, with techniques to achieve our own desired outcome. Throughout the classes we were given weekly support (and challenges) in moving towards our individual Well Formed Outcome. A plan for accomplishment if you will.

I highly recommend her upcoming business building class scheduled for September.

Thank You!”

“At the end of our 10 week group coaching session, Cami asked me for my intentions for the next 10 weeks. I set my intention for a specific mortgage volume goal for my end of the month business. It was to close $2,000,000 in mortgages each month. This number was a stretch for me. I am happy to report that the last two months I have met the goal. This past month, my processor, the person on my team who helps me the most with my loans, was out of town for 2 weeks. With no one to help me with my loans, I had to explore my choices. I committed to doing whatever it would take to meet this goal and not use the vacation as my excuse. We used the term +5 in our class. I decided to get the files ready, to communicate more with my clients, the title company, to make sure all the updated information was in the system when she returned. I know I used concepts learned and practiced from the class. The two that come to mind initially are making a list of the tasks needing to get done for the day. I make my list at the end of the day for the next day. I review what I did get done and add to the list for the next day. I learned I need to keep time open for the unexpected issues of the day, so I don’t get overwhelmed. I also used the “what’s next” strategy. When I call a client, I now let them know the next step in the process, whether they need to decide to move forward with the mortgage loan or they are in process and want to know what to expect. Instead of being uncomfortable with asking for business, I find my clients expect me to ask them. I usually summarize their goals for the mortgage, summarize how the mortgage will meet their goals and then ask if they are comfortable moving forward.

I had a great experience with one particular mortgage consultation. I met with a couple who could not hear and could not speak. They use sign language, which I do not know. I held onto the belief that body language communicates a great deal. I wanted them to have a great experience, feel understood and to be able to ask all the questions they needed to make a mortgage decision. It took some thought to come up with a plan for the meeting. How would I ask questions, how will I explain the mortgage concepts, how much time do I want to invest in this meeting? I wanted to experience life in their shoes and to communicate on their level. I had some preliminary questions ready, I printed up a blank loan application and had a pad of paper ready to write down questions. I found myself using hand gestures and matching their body posture more than with verbal clients. We used a mixture of all the items I prepared. I asked them how long they had been unable to hear. The man had lost his hearing at the age of 8 in a water accident. The woman was born without hearing. By the end of the meeting, they thanked me very much. I asked them how to say “you are welcome” in sign language. They showed me how. It was one of the most meaningful consultations I have had in my 10 years as a mortgage consultant. I learned how important it is to communicate on the level of the client.

I look forward to the September class to reinforce what I learned, to learn new concepts and to be pushed further.”

“As a family owned small business I found myself not in control of my time and needed professional help. I saw an e-mail blast from the Elk Grove Chamber and thought this is what I need. After meeting with Cami I decided to go for it. I have been to other trainings and was left with nothing more than a worksheet and nowhere to go. After going through the whole class I feel armed and ready to take our business to the next level of professionalism. I personally recommend this training and look forward to future training with Cami at McLaren Coaching. Thanks Cami; you’re the best!”

“I highly recommend McLaren Coaching. I attended a ten week course titled; Enrollment and Accountability- Tools for the Small-Business Owner to Thrive! I learned many skills necessary for operating a successful business. Communication, building business relationships, effective listening and time management to name a few. I enjoyed Cami’s enthusiasm, organization and her passion for teaching!”

“If you where looking to improve your business, look no further. Cami’s accountability and enrollment class will take you to the next level. As an employee of a small business and a student of this class, I have noticed the changes in my boss. She has been able to focus her business to become more efficient and more profitable by implementing the tools we have learned from Cami’s Class. Her renewed vigor and regenerated motivation has been an inspiration for her employees and her clients as well.

This class again not only improves your business but your view of relationships as well. I’m happily married and I didn’t think it needed any help in communication whatsoever. But Cami had some communication techniques that I could implement with clients but found it very useful with family and friends too. My wife and I tried it out and the results were amazing. I learned that I wasn’t really listening fully and I was missing a lot of the conversation. With a little work, my communication cleared up with more focus and more understanding. Talking to each other in such a manner boosted our relationships and helped us more than we thought it actually needed.

I really didn’t know what to expect from Cami’s Class. But after the first one, I knew I didn’t make a wrong choice. The class is full of energy, clarity, and motivation. When you’re around that, it’s hard not to bring that determination to work later. The ten weeks fly by and the value of the class and the information Cami brings is insurmountable. Cami is an excellent instructor. You can see that she wants to help all her students, and she wants them all to succeed. The format is well organized and the discussions are interesting and thought provoking. The only bad part of the class is when it has to end. I STRONGLY recommend Cami’s accountability and enrollment class whether you’re a business owner or an employee. Do not pass an opportunity like this up.”

“I am an attorney with a small law practice. Like many small business owners, I am very good at my profession (i.e., practicing law) but am often challenged in running the business, especially in the area of time management. In Cami’s accountability class, I was able to see what I was doing that was working and what was not working. I learned a great deal about myself and about strengths and weaknesses I did not even know I had.

Cami’s class has had a tremendous impact on the way I view my business and the way I run my business. As if almost by magic, I have seen my profitability increase, while much of the stress I previously experienced has decreased. I have become more efficient and productive with my days. By implementing the tools I learned in Cami’s class, I have been able to work smarter, not harder. Now I typically leave my office with a sense of accomplishment and completion, rather than lamenting my unfinished projects and dreading the next day.

I would recommend this class to all small business owners—and to anyone who wants to increase their productivity while decreasing their stress level.”

“Unique and powerful class. I recommend the accountability and enrollment class to anyone who works with clients or customers or manages employees. This class helped me with all of my relationships, not just business relationships. The communication and time management sessions were particularly helpful to me. Holding the class in a 10-week format reinforced concepts and allowed me to really learn and use the tools that Cami provided. Even though each session was only 1.5 hours, I took away something important and useful from each class. Cami brought a diverse group of people together for the class, from different professions and different perspectives. I learned something from everyone there.

I carry my class notebook around with me to keep the great information and tools at my fingertips. The class helped me to move myself and my business forward, and I thank Cami for that gift.”

For further testimonials, please go to Cami’s LinkedIn page.

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Cami McLaren
Cami McLaren Coaching
Phone: (916) 747-3660