CM: Why did you enter TCE? And/or, what did you want to get out of it?
AS: I entered TCE because I wanted to grow and transform as an individual and to obtain the skills necessary to become a coach to start my own business and coach others.
CM: What is the most valuable thing you got out of TCE?
AS: The most valuable thing I got out of TCE is to understand what accountability is and to learn how to be accountable to myself and others, which is something I always struggled with in my personal and professional life.
CM: Did your reasons for entering the program change through the program?
AS: My reasons never changed throughout the program, however I did have second guesses on whether or not I wanted to be a coach and coach others after graduation. Those second guesses faded and I stuck to my true intentions for joining TCE.
CM: What are you doing now with your coaching education?
AS: I am now using my skills as a coach to help my listening and communication skills as an attorney in New Jersey and Pennsylvania and am also building my own coaching practice.
Follow Austin @thecoachesquire