Coach Highlight – Tim Stephenson

CM: Why did you enter TCE? And/or, what did you want to get out of it?

TS: I entered TCE because I wanted to learn how to be with people the way my coach, Cami, was with me. I saw the power in that relationship from the results that I achieved from coaching and previously, how my wife transformed her business using the knowledge she learned in her own coaching group. As an educator, I wanted to use these skills to deepen my relationships with my students and learn to communicate with them more effectively.

CM: What is the most valuable thing you got out of TCE?

TS: This is a tough one because there were so many great things that I took away from the training. I think one of the biggest transformations that I notice on a daily basis was how my communication with my wife and family has changed. My wife and I both went through TCE at the same time and by the end, we were communicating on a much deeper level and in a more intentional way. When issues come up between us or we are stressed out from the joys that come with parenting our 2 young boys, it has been very helpful to come back to WHY we do what we do and our intentions behind the decisions we make for the family. I can honestly say that we wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for this training.

CM: Did your reasons for entering the program change through the program and if so, how?

TS: Yes, I had a pretty big shift a little over halfway through the program. I originally wanted to use the skills in training to connect more deeply with my students. While I did build those skills, I also discovered how amazing it was to be Coach with others and work with them to achieve their goals. This relationship was so inspiring to me that I decided to shift my career to become a professional coach.

CM: What are you doing now with your coaching education?

TS: I am the founder and owner of Inspire to Create in which I work with individual clients and groups as a coach and visualization consultant. In 2021, I formed the ITC (Inspire to Create) Visualization Community and began working with coaches to bring visualization into their own practices. In addition to my own business, I have continued to support TCE as a staff coach in 2022, and as a guest coach in 2023. Finally, because I firmly believe that this coach training program effects all areas of life, I credit this training to my current role as Chief Creative Officer (CCO) of my family, in which I use the tools I learned in the program to create magical experiences for my boys and create an environment for them to be inspired and thrive.

Learn more about Tim:

On his website

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Picture of Cami McLaren

Cami McLaren

is the owner of McLaren Coaching. She has been coaching professionals and leaders since early 2008. She runs Transformative Coaching Essentials, a coach training program that produces first rate Professional Coaches and "Coach-Style Leaders." She coaches individually and works with organizations to improve communication, time management, productivity and ultimately bring greater results.

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