Professional Coaches Group

Reach the Next Level!


Supporting coaches in reaching the next level, both in competency and in creation of their vision. Collaboration and teamwork and sustaining a community of professional coaches.


Pre-Requisites to Joining

To qualify as a “professional coach,” you must be either certified by our program (though we will consider coaches from other programs on a case-by-case basis) or working toward certification; i.e., you have graduated and are working on your hours.


Cost: $300/month


“I can say without a doubt that I would not be where I am today without being a part of Cami’s coaching group. This group was vital to my success as a coach in starting my own practice. In less than a year, I went from having no paid clients to creating a full book of paying clients and expanding what I thought would be possible in my coaching business. I am more confident, clear, and focused on my business than I have ever been and I know where I want to go. Having a group of talented coaches to push me and challenge me every week gave me the support I needed to get exactly what I wanted in my career and my personal life. Most importantly, I learned what it truly means to BE Coach, which transformed my life and the lives of those around me. Thank you!”

“I did coach training with Cami in 2019 and knew that I wanted to be a coach, but also knew that left to my own devices it would take me a long time to get the courage to start my own business or that I may talk myself out of it.

“I decided to participate in group coaching with Cami in 2020 with fellow coaches who also wanted similar outcomes. Today, 10 months later, I have my own coaching and yoga business. I have a website and I have successfully enrolled full paying clients, launched a yoga workshop and am planning to participate in a retreat as a coach and yoga teacher. I have achieved so much more than I thought was possible in this time and I know that I would not be here had I done it alone.

“The value of the group has been immense. I have been supported, inspired and challenged by my colleagues. I have had the benefit of having not just one coach, but four, who believe that I am capable of achieving my outcomes. Seeing others have the same fears and still achieve their outcomes was a great shift for me. Being part of a group purpose allowed us to challenge our limiting beliefs so that we could change lives, not only that of others, but our own. There is continual learning in group coaching, not just from your own experience, but from the experiences of all the participants. It is impossible to witness change and not let it change what you believe is possible. I would highly recommend group coaching with Cami if you are ready for exponential change.”

“I struggled with committing to group coaching after graduating from TCE 2019. I wasn’t sure if sitting in a group for 90 minutes a week with other brand new coaches would support me in creating a successful coaching business. Ten months later, I can say without a doubt that joining the Professional Coaches Group is one of the best decisions that I’ve made since opening my new business. Not only have I refined my vision for my business since joining the group, I’ve also benefited from Cami’s knowledge as a business owner and from the collective knowledge of our group members. The COVID Coaching Program (TCCP) was a blurry dream when I started attending group in January of 2020, today, it is a thriving program receiving donations of time and money from other professional coaches and offering much needed coaching services to women who lost income as a result of the pandemic. Every week I walk away from group with some new piece of information that is relevant either to running my new business or to overcoming my limiting beliefs that are getting in the way of my success. Cami’s skills as a group facilitator are unparalleled and when combined with the group wisdom and the coaching skills of the other participants – the results make the Professional Coaches Group absolutely worth both the time and the money that I invested. Thanks to this group, I am not only a better coach than I was 10 months ago, I’m also a more knowledgeable business owner.”

“When I completed McLaren Coaching Transformative Coaching Essentials at the end of 2019 and was certified as a professional coach, I didn’t know what was next. My life had been transformed by the coach training. And, I had experienced my intern clients as they transformed their lives as a result of our coaching.

“Cami offered to start group coaching around building a coaching business. I thought “Here’s another opportunity to stay involved in the coaching community,“ so I jumped in. There were four of us and none of us really knew what was next. Cami facilitated us in learning the unique techniques of group coaching as we coached one another. She generously shared her years of experience as a coach with a successful coaching business. I wasn’t sure I wanted a coaching business. I decided to go along to see what happened. Long story short, I now have a successful coaching business, Coaching Dynamic Aging.

“What makes my business “successful?” I set an intention and declared each week to do whatever it took to have a minimum number of full-paying clients at all times. With the group’s coaching and feedback helping me clarify my intentions and take action, being accountable and sharing the group synergy and experiences, I reached that goal and surpassed it. I created a sound business structure and I built my confidence and competence even as I participated in facilitating the same for my cohorts. I learned firsthand what it’s like to stretch and declare from nothing.

“In addition to group coaching weekly, topics we discussed included how to develop a business, building our confidence and competence, what to charge, how to find and enroll clients, what is our niche, how to deal with rejection, synergy of different businesses (e.g., yoga and coaching), how to give value and promote business, how to choose a name, how to create a website, what forms to use, what comes first – clients or having everything in place, and just brainstorming. Group coaching gave me everything I ever wanted to know about starting a successful coaching business while BEING COACH.”

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Cami McLaren
Cami McLaren Coaching
Phone: (916) 747-3660