Lawyer Testimonials

Certified Performance Coach

“In 2015, less than a year into our business, we hired Cami as a consultant for our law firm. We have two partners and at that time we saw the benefits of planning in order to grow, and to best prepare for a partner leaving for maternity leave for a few months. We met with Cami for several months and worked on our mission, vision, and purpose statement, and most importantly set yearly business goals for the next 5 years. The first year was the most detailed, but we also planned out what we wanted our future growth to be. We have continued to meet as a partnership twice each year from then on. In those meetings we regroup and plan. At the end of year we specifically reflect on what worked for our firm in the past year, what didn’t, and we set goals for the next year. While we each have our personal goals, setting goals as a team helps us unite and focus the business which helps our firm’s success and growth. The most amazing part, is even if we are not consciously watching our goals, we are continuing to meet them and exceed them. We are now three and a half years into our business and we recently ran into our vision statement. Over two years after it was created, we found that our vision almost matched exactly what we have created at our firm. A few minor details were different, but it was essentially the same. It was exciting to see that by writing down our goals and vision for our firm, and agreeing on what we wanted it to be, we created it. We’ve had the opportunity in our practice to counsel business clients who don’t put the same importance into planning and goal setting as we do, and the difference is remarkable. Companies and teams who fail to plan essentially plan to fail. Without Cami’s initial guidance and our ongoing dedication to planning as a team, we wouldn’t be as successful as we are today.”

“As a mother and attorney, I am constantly seeking balance between home life and work life. I found Cami’s book, Coaching for Attorneys, and read it over a weekend. It was great and it gave me a lot of ideas, but I found I wasn’t taking the time to implement the ideas. It was then that I reached out to Cami about personal coaching. I did a 3 month coaching session and it has done wonders in transforming my time management focus and helping me balance work and home. Her unique coaching style has a way of teaching you how to think about your overall goal and more importantly, the strategies to reach the goal. To me, the biggest benefit of my coaching was Cami’s ability to narrow in on the issue and coach you to find successful strategies that work. Cami’s coaching not only improved my time management skills and reduced my stress; it has taught me a new way to approach goals in my personal life through identifying strategies and ways to implement the strategies to reach the goal. I cannot say enough positive things about the change in my practice and my reduced stress level after doing coaching with Cami.”

“I decided to work through the coaching process with the goal of building a healthy, sustainable and manageable law practice. After launching my solo practice just over two years ago, I saw that the tools and techniques I had used successfully in my first career weren’t all making a seamless transfer to my new career as a lawyer. I knew I need to do something in order to increase my productivity ad decrease y stress level!

When we started working together, my client billing was inconsistent, I was juggling the legal, clerical and accounting work all on my own, and my email inbox was full of old emails – which made me worry that something would be overlooked and I would miss a deadline.

By the time our second coaching cycle came to an end, I was billing clients consistently and meeting my monthly income goals; I created and worked a plan to get help with general office operations, which has freed up more of my time to work on client matters; and I set up a system to process the old emails in my inbox once and for all and to have an empty inbox at the end of each day, which now works as a safety net and gives me a sense of completion and peace of mind.

The skills I developed through working on my personalized coaching plan with you have truly made me a better business owner and a happy and more productive attorney. Thank you for helping me!”

“I felt the sunshine breaking through the clouds of weariness after working with Cami for just a few weeks. After 12 weeks, my work with Cami has renewed my joy in providing quality services to my clients and helped me feel optimistic about the future. Cami listens closely and steers you in productive directions. Cami provided me with tools to help me change my behavior. She doesn’t just provide “tips and tricks” but rather useful strategies for accomplishing my specific goals. I highly recommend Cami’s service to anyone seeking to improve their time management, energy management, and professional focus.”

“Before Cami, I thought I knew something about how to work effectively, but she has opened my eyes to a larger world of accountability and effectiveness. We began with learning a vocabulary. The vocabulary turned to vision. Cami helped me institute a plan of action for that vision and then work the plan. My work with her has returned many dividends in my personal and professional life, and I am grateful to Cami for her persistence and patience in teaching me to guide myself.”

“As a third year associate in a mid-sized law firm I found myself caught on the treadmill on which so many attorneys find themselves. I kept thinking that if I worked more, harder, longer, I would finally get ahead and be on top of things. In the process I was losing what little life balance I had before becoming an attorney, and I found that I no longer did much beyond working and going home to crash. I was not being good to myself, my spouse, my family or my friends. I was approaching the point where I knew something had to give – it was change or leave a job that I actually loved. That is when I found Cami. I have always been a big believer in therapy, but was not too sure about life and career coaching but knowing something had to change I gave it a shot. I am so grateful that I did. In three short months with Cami I turned my life around. I can now say that I am now the most important part of my life. My stress levels are down. I still work a lot, but I have set boundaries and limits. I work out regularly and invest in my relationships with family and friends. Most shocking of all – the world did not come to an end! I am still succeeding at work, but now I am succeeding in my personal life too. The time I spent with Cami was worth every single penny. She challenged me to think differently, to commit to things, to break bad habits and patterns, and to make positive changes that will benefit me for a lifetime. Without Cami and the work we did together, I am not sure where I would be.”

“As both a new family law and estate planning attorney and new solo practitioner I was very overwhelmed with learning how to practice law and run a business at the same time. I dreaded coming to work, always wanted to leave early, and found that while at work I would sit paralyzed and consumed thinking about the amount of work I had to do. I would end up doing nothing at all. I knew I wanted a different experience but didn’t know how to achieve it. After my first meeting with Cami I was confident she would help.

The first hurdle Cami and I tackled was time management. This involved not only setting ground rules for when appointments would be made but also color coding my calendar so at a glance I could see what was on task for the week. I worked in specific times to get work done so I could leave each day knowing I had a plan. This enabled me to feel complete and content at the end of the day.

Soon after working with Cami I also realized that though I was a family law and estate planning attorney I was practicing “door law” in those areas and was taking almost any case. I knew I was not truly engaged in the cases or happy with my practice. With Cami’s insightful questions and guidance I realized that developing a niche or specialty would not only make my practice stand out as unique but would also fulfill my personal goals. Now my practice is narrowly focused and I love coming to work.

The best part of working with Cami was knowing that she would not judge me, would question me when I was making excuses, and would ask the questions I was to afraid to ask myself.

I am grateful for the time I worked with Cami and know that I will work with her again as my practice grows.”

“As a trial lawyer, I learned to cope with an uncertain and ever-changing workload. I became resolved to the fact that I had too much to do and not enough time in the day to do it. In this role, I acted reactively not proactively, bringing a simmering chaos to my life and the lives of those around me. I assumed that all of this was a function of my work. What I have learned through the able assistance of Cami McLaren Is that I can put a dent in that chaos, improving my work (and the lives of those I work with) as well as bringing a greater sense of serenity to my home life.

With her easy going but persistent style, Cami was able to strip away some of the assumptions about my perceived lack of control over my work – helping me to realize that I had a major part in choosing how my work gets done. Through a process of self-reflection (ably encouraged by a constructive Cami) designed to consider what would bring greater organization to my day-to-day activities, Cami helped me habituate some very needed changes with concrete, achievable tools. Unwilling to let me fail or compromise in this work, Cami fostered my effort to improve by holding me accountable for following through. I strongly believe that my work has been advanced significantly through this process of accountability.

Another important aspect of her work was to assist me in understanding that how I work affects those with whom I work dramatically. We have practiced communication skills which I believe have improved my work relationships and made it less stressful for those who struggle to help get me through the workday.

I am firmly of the belief that we can always improve as a person and in the things we do. I see concrete positive changes in my work and in my relationships both at work and home. I still have much to learn but am thankful for the insight and the tools that Cami has brought to bear on my situation.”

“Our office retained Cami McLaren a a Performance Coach for several of our lawyers. We have also hired her to give seminars to our staff members.

Cami has performed above and beyond expectations with assisting the lawyers in areas of time management, work performance, and relationship building. Since she is a lawyer, she understands the pressures of the career. She also understands how important it is to balance the work place and home/family life. I would recommend her services to any law fim interested in improving their lawyers’ productivity.

Cami’s seminars are thought-provoking and my staff has begged me to continue to have her as a speaker. Relationships in the work place are extremely important and Cami puts all the important qualities in perspective.

We are very fortunate to have found her services and will continue to use her services for years to come.”

For further testimonials, please go to Cami’s LinkedIn page.

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Cami McLaren
Cami McLaren Coaching
Phone: (916) 747-3660