CM: When did you complete the Transformative Coaching Essentials program and what are some of the most valuable things you got out of it? JVA: I am Student Zero. I was the first enrollee in the first TCE in 2019 and completed the program that...
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Certified Performance Coach
“In 2015, less than a year into our business, we hired Cami as a consultant for our law firm. We have two partners and at that time we saw the benefits of planning in order to grow, and to best prepare for a partner leaving for maternity leave for a few months. We met with Cami for several months and worked on our mission, vision, and purpose statement, and most importantly set yearly business goals for the next 5 years. The first year was the most detailed, but we also planned out what we wanted our future growth to be. We have continued to meet as a partnership twice each year from then on. In those meetings we regroup and plan. At the end of year we specifically reflect on what worked for our firm in the past year, what didn’t, and we set goals for the next year. While we each have our personal goals, setting goals as a team helps us unite and focus the business which helps our firm’s success and growth. The most amazing part, is even if we are not consciously watching our goals, we are continuing to meet them and exceed them. We are now three and a half years into our business and we recently ran into our vision statement. Over two years after it was created, we found that our vision almost matched exactly what we have created at our firm. A few minor details were different, but it was essentially the same. It was exciting to see that by writing down our goals and vision for our firm, and agreeing on what we wanted it to be, we created it. We’ve had the opportunity in our practice to counsel business clients who don’t put the same importance into planning and goal setting as we do, and the difference is remarkable. Companies and teams who fail to plan essentially plan to fail. Without Cami’s initial guidance and our ongoing dedication to planning as a team, we wouldn’t be as successful as we are today.”
– Lauren Jones
Gallagher Jones LLP