The Lens Through Which You See The World
This week, one of my clients told me that when she goes in for a job interview, often they look at her as if they are surprised at her age. She, like many people I coach, is afraid that she is too old to be offered the kind of work she wants. I said, “how […]
Being a Visionary
Who would you call a “visionary?” Who stands out in your mind? For me, it’s people like Ghandi, Mandela and Martin Luther King. People who took the long view and could see the future and who were so clear on their vision that it gave them the passion and commitment to take bold action in […]
Changing Other People
We all know that we can’t change other people. Right? And it is true. Ultimately. But you can affect so much more change than you think you can. Consider this quote: “The way you see people is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is what they become.” Johann Wolfgang von […]
The Power of Listening, and Simple Ways to Do it
Today, I want to share this video and this article with you.  The video is only 11 minutes long. The article is short as well. (I know you are busy!) Recently I did a training on persuasive/collaborative communication. Two different people sent me information from this woman. These changes are very simple and will absolutely transform the […]
Want Their Buy-In? Ask Questions!
More on the skill of enrollment: John Smith is an attorney. He meets George at a business mixer. George has some legal issues that John believes he can help with so they set a meeting. (While I use the attorney example, these principles apply for whatever business you are in.) The first pre-meeting question John […]
But First, the Rapport
If you want something – anything – that involves another person (and when does it not?), you will need to engage in some level of enrollment. See last week’s blog for the definition of “enrollment.” ( We use the tool of enrollment every day. Sometimes we use it successfully; sometimes not so much. Often others […]
The REALITY of Enrollment
A Specific Model for Enrollment – REALITY We have been talking about the concept of “enrollment” – communicating with others in a way that they feel heard and that generates cooperation, collaboration and ownership. You cannot enroll if you cannot see reality. You must clearly see the other person’s reality to enroll them in anything. […]
Enrollment – The Art of Collaborative Communication
 “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” ~Dwight D. Eisenhower Over the next month, I am going to re-publish some of my older works on enrollment, leading up to my enrollment workshop on June 19 (below). Then I will resume our […]
The Three Pillars of Relationship (Part 2) – Assess Your Relationships
We are talking recently about the three pillars of relationship. To recap our last blog post, wherever you are there are relationships. At work, at home. Everywhere. Not only that, but most of what you want involves a relationship with someone. Relationships are a big deal! And they work best if we consciously build and […]
There is no Such Thing as Failure
There are a few “presuppositions” I learned when I was trained as a coach 10 years ago. A presupposition, in this context is a premise, a place to come from that supports what coaching is all about – change and growth. Recently I have been thinking about this one: There is no Failure. There is […]