The Three Pillars of Relationship – and Why You Should Care

Some of you reading the “R” word will wonder why I address this as a business coach.  The better question is how could I not?  There is virtually nowhere that we operate in life and business that a relationship with another human does not come into play.  Indeed, there is very little we want in […]

Communication – At Work (and elsewhere)

Here is my latest article in The Plaintiff magazine.  Of course, these communication skills apply in all kinds of professions and places – even at home.

Creating Habits – Summary (Habit, Part 9)

(Note: Scroll to the end of the blog to learn about our communication training offer ending Monday.) We (some of my clients and I) have been writing blogs on habits, their nature, their formation, etc. for a few months now. Today will be the last blog on habits. At least for awhile. Today I will […]

On Smoking (Habit, Part 8)

Another guest blog from a beloved client.  Enjoy! Quitting smoking is easy…I’ve done it a million times. Yeah. That was me. That nasty, smelly, unhealthy, awful habit was mine…on and off…for decades. I started smoking when I was very young, nearly single digits. I mean, everyone did it. My mom and my stepdad both smoked. […]

How You See Yourself (Habit, part 7)

We have been talking about habits for awhile now. We have been addressing techniques for changing habits, building new habits, shedding old habits. Today I want to talk about the more internal reasons it can be challenging to change certain habits. Everything you do – and everything you think – is part of a new […]

Habits That Hinder Progress (Habit, Part 6)

Below is a guest blog, from another attorney who I have the privilege of working with. Notice how insidious some habits are, how we might be doing them without even knowing it and how they get in the way of what we are after. Once you decide to change certain things, though, if you pay attention, […]

The Cell Phone (Habit, Part 5)

In writing my habits blogs, I thought it most useful to talk to other people and ask them to tell the story of how they changed a habit.  I particularly love this one because it addresses something many people grapple with – the insidious nature of the cell phone.  As Ali describes below, the phone […]

How do You Break a Habit (Habit, Part 4)

How do you break a habit? Trick question. Sort of. You don’t break habits. To break a habit means to focus on NOT doing something. That’s a difficult task indeed. “Stop smoking.” What? How? The statement makes me focus entirely on what? On smoking. That is not useful. What you focus on expands. It’s a […]

I Hope You Make Mistakes

“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something. So that’s my wish for you, and […]