My Eeyore Voice (The Voice, Part 8)
by Allison Post Harris What Cami calls “The Voice”—cue the vampire music—other people have labeled “gremlin” or “saboteur.” Regardless of what you call it, this Voice has always been there for me when I least needed it. Before I divorced my ex-husband, my Voice said “you should stay married for your toddlers. You should be […]
Styles of Communication…and a Quote
“The effectiveness of communication is not defined by the communication, but by the response.” –Milton Erickson What does this mean? Â So often we think that if we are “being clear” everyone should understand. Â We put together our communication in such a way that we feel we are doing a good job because of the nature […]
Jump in. Get Messy. (The Voice, Part 7)
The Voice. That stupid, wrong, incessant Voice. The one that tells me I’m not good enough, or smart enough, or talented enough. The one that tells me I’m not enough of this and I’m too much of that. I can never win with that one. And, the thing is, she’s wrong. She’s always wrong. I […]
The Persistent Nature of That Sabotaging Voice (The Voice, Part 6)
Another blog post from my favorite writer, comfort zone stretcher and personal growth guru–my mom! CELEBRATING 79 AND MY “LITTLE VOICE” I guess I always thought my little voice would disappear as I got older. Not so! I’m here to tell you that at age 79, my little voice is alive and well and LOUD! […]
“Not Very Smart” (The Voice, Part 5)
Yesterday, I returned from a week on Maui. I walked on the beach with my mom every morning and we talked about the Voice. We talked about where it comes from and what it says. I told her I learned that my voice likes to say, “That was stupid.” Or “that is stupid.” Or “that’s […]
Does it Motivate You? (The Voice, Part 4)
We have been talking about the negative and mean voice that you have inside your head. The one that says, “You are not ___.” “You cannot ____.” “You have to do more or you will lose your job.” “You have to lose weight or people won’t like you.” I believe all behavior has a purpose […]
Comfortable Being Uncomfortable (The Voice, Part 3)
Everything you want, that you do not already have, is outside your comfort zone. How do I know? Because if it was comfortable, you would have it already. I want to lose weight I want better communication with my spouse I want to quit my job I want a raise I want to have a […]
The Language of Leadership – Your Quote of the Week
“The art of communication is the language of leadership.” –James Humes (Author and former presidential speech writer) Coming to Sacramento July 25, 2017: Discover the Secrets of Effective Communication Ever feel like other people are “speaking Greek”? Do other people misunderstand YOU? What would change if you learned to communicate effectively with different kinds of […]
The Ways We Sabotage Ourselves (The Voice, Part 2)
I wrote last week about that sabotaging voice inside your head. I attached a blog post by Cheryl Strayed (Dear Sugar) about a woman who was afraid she would get cancer because her parents had cancer. The story in her head was so clear that she decided not to have children because she did not want […]
The Voice in Your Head
Here is a topic I talk to my all of my clients about. And yes, this is business coaching. This is a secret known to coaches and others who work with people who want to accomplish something. When we want to accomplish something – in business or elsewhere – we often get stopped or stuck. […]