Like Daughter, Like Mother
Like Daughter, Like Mother Once upon a time, my mom asked me a very interesting question. It changed the course of my life. And hers. And our relationship. She has recently started an on-line magazine. Click here to read the story of our journey. One that started from a curious and brave inquiry. Like Daughter, […]
What Does it Mean to be Committed to a Relationship?
The Commitment Pillar The 3 basic pillars of a strong relationship are trust, communication and commitment. (Thanks to Source Point Training for this model.) Today I am writing about the commitment pillar. In our program training coaches and coach-style leaders (, we work on how to be effective in relationships so that clients and employees are empowered to take ownership […]
Purpose is More Powerful Than Motivation
Purpose This month I am talking about purpose. What’s Your Why Kevin Durant Motivational – YouTube One of my favorite speakers on this topic is Eric Thomas – an amazing motivational speaker. Motivation is a funny thing. Often we think it is this “feeling” that comes over us. And on some days, it might be. […]
The Sound of Your Voice
Hup, Hup I was in spin class with Dakota. Such an inspiring human. She says so many things to us that I want to write down. I took note of this one though. She told a story about talking to two different riders one day. In our class, one thing the community does is this […]
Mirror, Mirror
Mirror, Mirror Once I was sitting in a meeting with a lawyer. When I looked at him, I realized he had spilled coffee on his shirt. No one said anything. I wonder if he saw it in the mirror later. I wonder how he felt when he realized no one had told him. Feedback Feedback: […]
The Size of Us
The Size of Us I was in spin class and the instructor said this: “I know I am a lot. I’ve been told that my whole life. But you know what? I’m enjoying it! I won’t try to be less for you.” I am spinning, spinning and I am thinking. “Wow.” I have also been […]
Coach-style Leadership!
Coach-style Leadership! It is a different way to lead. Whether you are designated as a supervisor, manager, or not, you are a leader! You get to choose to lead in your life. And at work. But often there is not sufficient training to step into this position and be effective. So we do the best […]
The Power of Language
“In coaching, we are all about change and growth and getting what you say you want. In support of this is our concept of “accountability” as, “the ability to account for my choices and my results.” This means when we make a mistake, we are neutral and we look at what we have done (choices) and […]
Lack and Attack
“Change the voices in your head Make them like you instead” –Pink, “F**king Perfect” So much of our suffering is invented. The Buddhists will tell you that pain (those crappy things in life and our emotional reactions to them) is inevitable, but suffering is optional. Suffering occurs in the ways that we attack ourselves on […]
Puzzle or Mystery?
Is this a puzzle or is it a mystery? Don’t decide too soon! A puzzle is something solvable. It has one right answer. I love this definition of the verb “puzzle”: to “solve or understand something by thinking hard.” This makes me laugh. Hard thinking seems to be what we do when we don’t understand […]