Mindfully Transitioning to Your New Normal
One of the things I have been hearing recently is what it will be like when we get “back to normal.” I am not always sure what is meant by this when I hear it on TV. But when I hear it in my living room and on my coaching calls, I can ask the […]
15 Tips for Navigating This Interesting Time
I love all the resources out there and this is a great collection of tips and tools and practices that we can all use to create and maintain positivity in this time of change. The blog post is quite thorough. It was written by one of the coaches I trained last year in our Transformative […]
Tips for These Times – TV and Social Media
“You become what you think about most of the time” ― Brian Tracy I have been so inspired recently by the people reaching out to offer empowering resources and thoughts during these interesting times. I want to do my part and support positivity and abundance. When things change, we have so much opportunity to change […]
“Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.” ― John Allen Paulos This might not be super reassuring during this time of “uncertainty,” but allow me to reframe. Certainty is an illusion. I am going to say some things I know you know already, but […]
Leader as Coach
One of my student coaches recently sent me this article from the Harvard Business Review. If you are a leader, you are going to get great value from this article! She sums it up better than I can: “The article talks about how management styles have had to change to better respond to a different […]
How to Become a Coach-Style Leader
For those of you in supervisory positions – whether designated “managers” or leaders of another kind, this article is for you! A good leader is someone whose people are productive, innovative and excited to be part of the team. How does an employee — particularly one new to a leadership role — develop the skills to […]
The Importance of Clear Agreements
You may be saying, “I know the importance of clear agreements.” Even so, there is a good chance you are not getting them. Today I want to give you a simple tool that will transform the culture of your organization and improve the results you produce. It is called “the Complete Request.” (I am grateful […]
Free Your Mind
“Free your mind and the rest will follow” –En Vogue I facilitate a training on accountability. Organizations hire me to teach a form of accountability that calls for neutral and non-judgmental examination of the choices we make that lead to our results. We call this ownership for our results and our choices. It is not […]
I saw a speaker once on Buddhism and mindfulness give this demonstration: He set up dominoes – like you did when you were a kid – in a serpentine design on the floor. Then he hit one and it hit the next one and so on until they were cascading their clack clack clack and […]
A Simple Time Management Tip for the Week
Think about it. No really. Think about it. This is my tip this week. Effective time management can seem counterintuitive. I learned something this week from two different clients: the value in taking time to sit and reflect. We live in a fast-paced world. We are usually doing seven things at once. Rarely do we […]