What You Need to Know This Week
“What does not challenge you, will not change you.” –Chelsea, Team Ride instructor (www.team-ride.com) Truth. Go out and get it this week! Find the challenge and lean in. Or jump in. Dive in. Dance in. Just find it. And let it change you.
“Until one is committed, there is a hesitancy, the chance to draw back. The moment one definitely commits oneself then Providence moves too. All sort of things occur to help one that would otherwise never have occurred. Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” […]
“Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world.” –Rumi ____________ Step into possibility.
You Can Do Anything
I was at Sacramento’s annual Chalk it Up festival earlier this year and I saw this beautiful piece of art, with a saying I really appreciate. I want to put this out as something new that you may or may not have considered. During this time of year, with Thanksgiving over and the end of year […]
Your Quote of the Week
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” –Helen Keller We are a culture of DIYers. We like Do It Yourself fixes. We value independence and hard work and going it alone. And yet, there is a cap on what we can accomplish alone. I don’t care how powerful you are, […]
Maybe It’s All In Your Head
“When I was a Boy Scout, we played a game when new Scouts joined the troop. We lined up chairs in a pattern, creating an obstacle course, through which the new Scouts, blindfolded, were supposed to maneuver. The Scoutmaster gave them a few moments to study the pattern before our adventure began. But as soon […]
What Determines Attitude and Success? (Your Quote for the Week)
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” –Jim Rohn People, especially those you love and are close to, can bring you down more than just about any other circumstances. We tend to become like the people we are around the most. Get a piece of paper and looking […]