Coach Highlight – Ali Goff

CM: When did you complete the Transformative Coaching Essentials program and what are some of the most valuable things you got out of it?

AG: I graduated in December of 2020 and in addition to the coaching skills, I also made some life long friends, improve my relationships and started a new business!

CM: Do you consider yourself a life coach? If no, how would you describe who you are professionally?

AG: No, not in the traditional sense. I am an entrepreneur/business owner who has a coaching background and approach to life. Yes, many of my conversations have a coaching element (especially when helping legal clients out) but I don’t hold myself out as a coach for that purpose.

I have a coaching business but provide more coachsulting (my mix of coaching and consulting) to clients and business owners.

CM: What would you say to somebody who told you they were thinking about becoming a life coach?

AG: Buckle up. It is one of the best and most transformative experiences you can have. The skills you can learn not only to create or improve your business are great, but so are the personal improvement you get. PLUS, you get to be coached and in a supportive environment for 12 months. Such a cool experience!

CM: What is one misperception you believe people have about coaches (whether designated “life coach” or something else)?

AG: I think a common misconception is that coaching is “woo-woo.” I have personally experienced the progress on some huge projects, and the work that is done is outcome-based. Meaning you aren’t just talking to someone about your feelings but moving things forward.

CM: What is your coaching specialty?

AG: Coachsulting. My own blend of coaching (curiosity) and consulting (advice). Usually for business owners. I have a way of helping people connect ideas as well as connect people. And my ability to strategize is improved by my ability to be curious and not make assumptions about what the person wants.

CM: Are you a full-time coach?

AG: No.

CM: What do you do other than coaching?

AG: I own a law firm, Goff Legal, PC. We help dead people and future dead people. We don’t just prepare documents, we help you with a plan so your family isn’t left with a mess when you are gone.

When you’re done here, click to view all coach highlights.

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About the Author

Picture of Cami McLaren

Cami McLaren

is the owner of McLaren Coaching. She has been coaching professionals and leaders since early 2008. She runs Transformative Coaching Essentials, a coach training program that produces first rate Professional Coaches and "Coach-Style Leaders." She coaches individually and works with organizations to improve communication, time management, productivity and ultimately bring greater results.

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