Coach Highlight – Stephanie Alston

Coach Highlight: Stephanie Alston

CM: When did you complete the Transformative Coaching Essentials program and what are some of the most valuable things you got out of it?

SA: I graduated with the class of 2023. Aside from being certified to coach professionally and now having an additional income stream, I gained incredible communication skills that have transformed my relationships with my family and friends. The most valuable thing was a renewed sense of Self and the confidence to make bold choices for my life.

CM: Do you consider yourself a life coach? If no, how would you describe who you are professionally?

SA: I utilize coaching skills for leadership in my business, and in studying to become a yoga therapist these skills blend beautifully into the way I work with private clients. I coach professionally to entrepreneurs and wellness professionals, and also consider myself to be a yoga life coach as I’m working toward becoming a death Doula. I believe that to live our best life allows us to approach the end-of-life, both for ourselves and others, with a sense of peace and can lessen the pain of grief.

CM: What would you say to somebody who told you they were thinking about becoming a life coach?

SA: Absolutely do it! With training. Get to know the world of coaching inside and out so that you can truly be there for people in a way that holds space for transformation. Being a witness to another person changing their own life for the better is the best gift ever.

CM: What is one misperception you believe people have about coaches (whether designated “life coach” or something else)?

SA: It seems there is a widespread belief that coaches meddle in other people’s lives or tell them what to do. When I really learned about coaching I discovered that could not be farther from the truth. Coaches are specifically trained to not give advice or suggestions, but instead they guide and empower the person they are partnering with to find their own solutions.

CM: What is your coaching specialty?

SA: My specialty right now is supporting others in discovering their dreams and moving toward their vision with clear direction and a sense of purpose. Within the next few years I will be shifting more into end-of-life work; both for those anticipating death through legacy planning and maintaining or releasing relationships, and for survivors after a loss in finding a new sense of Self as they transition with life continuing forward.

CM: Are you a full-time coach?

SA: No. I am a yoga teacher and studio owner, specializing in trauma-informed practices and holistic wellness.

CM: Do you have a website dedicated to your coaching business?

SA: Yes. Please visit me at

CM: Do you have social media accounts that you use primarily for your coaching business?

SA: Yes. Please connect with me at

When you’re done here, click to view all coach highlights.

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About the Author

Picture of Cami McLaren

Cami McLaren

is the owner of McLaren Coaching. She has been coaching professionals and leaders since early 2008. She runs Transformative Coaching Essentials, a coach training program that produces first rate Professional Coaches and "Coach-Style Leaders." She coaches individually and works with organizations to improve communication, time management, productivity and ultimately bring greater results.

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