Creating 2019

This time of year, we tend to think about where we have been and where we are going.  There are many philosophies and practices on how to plan for the coming year.  Let’s try something a little different.

Close your eyes.

Imagine it is December 31, 2019.  Bring yourself there in your mind.  Be in that moment fully.  Notice what you see, hear, feel.  Don’t sensor.  Don’t think.  Just imagine.  Spend time there.  Ask questions.  What is my career like?  What do I enjoy the most in my life?  What are my relationships like?  What is most important to me?  Just allow yourself to experience the answers.  Spend as much time as you like.  Allow it to be a dreamy state.

When you are done, slowly come back to the present moment.  But allow yourself to have all of your “memories” of the future.

Take a piece of paper and a pen (not a computer) and write down everything you saw, felt, heard.  Write it as if it was happening now – in the present tense.  Write what you see, what you hear, and particularly, what you feel.

Now.  I am all about action.  But I am going to suggest something different.  I suggest you put this paper somewhere accessible to you and that you take it out every few weeks and read it.  Just read it and feel the feelings.  If you decide consciously to take some action to move in the direction of your vision, go ahead, but don’t force it.  Stay with the good feeling.

Set some kind of a reminder for yourself to take this out every few weeks and read it.  See what happens.

Happy Imagining!

“Memory and imagination run the same neural pathway.”  –NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) presupposition


McLaren Coaching News:

I am bringing my Accountability Training to the public.  I rarely host this training outside of the corporate environment so this is a special opportunity to send and bring individuals to this training!

Accountability is the foundation to sustainable change.  Until we embrace true accountability, it is difficult to achieve what we are after.  Accountability in the organization improves productivity, efficiency and morale.

Our definition of accountability is non-punitive.  It is a way of looking at your choices and your results so you can learn and make different choices in the future.  This type of accountability is empowering.  It is the key to success – in the organization and everywhere.

Outcomes from Accountability Training

  • Introduction to and adoption of, a new definition of accountability
  • New awareness and tools to improve accountability in your organization

           The value of personal accountability for the individual

           The value of personal accountability for your organization

           The value of seeing choices in all situations

           How to see choices in all situations

           Learning from mistakes and making different choices in the future

  • An awareness of language and how it contributes to accountability vs. victimhood
  • A specific model for taking personal accountability
  • Practice with the model of accountability and learning
  • Brainstorming specific ways to bring accountability to your organization
  • Action steps for bringing accountability to your organization

Our training is February 12, 2019, Tuesday, 9am-12pm

Cost:  $139.  $130/person where more than one person registers from the same organization

To register:

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About the Author

Picture of Cami McLaren

Cami McLaren

is the owner of McLaren Coaching. She has been coaching professionals and leaders since early 2008. She runs Transformative Coaching Essentials, a coach training program that produces first rate Professional Coaches and "Coach-Style Leaders." She coaches individually and works with organizations to improve communication, time management, productivity and ultimately bring greater results.

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