Intention as a Game Changer

Game Changer: Using Coaching to Level Up!  April 13 is the final in our series on “What is Coaching?” The tool this month is intention!  Email me to sign up. (Short, affordable, powerful!)

Game Changer

What is a “game changer?” The dictionary says it is, “an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current manner of doing or thinking about something.” What are the game changers in your life?

Overwhelmed manIntention truly is a Game Changer.  Let’s consider the current “game” that most adult working humans play.  It is a game that includes taking on too much, feeling overwhelmed and losing focus.

For many people who have been working from home this last year, there has been some mayhem, some sense of chaos, some lack of focus.


Working from Home graphicAll of my coaching career, I have worked with professionals on time management strategies, and while I do in fact teach actual time management tools, I also work with people a lot on intention.

Intention is a more focused way to live your life. It will make you happier and it is a time management tool as well.  See what I’m saying!? Game changer!  Most business professionals say to me, “I want to be more focused.” It is one of the biggest challenges for people working today – even before we found ourselves working from home with kids and dogs and spouses and laundry.

And so, what will provide the change in this game of distraction and overwhelm?  It is, you guessed it, intention.

Next Steps

FocusTry it: Intention has you ask (1) what specifically do I want? From my day, my meeting, my relationship with this person. (2) why do I want it? And (3) what specifically will I do to get it? And what else? And what else?

Setting a clear outcome and intention and keeping it always right in front of you is the most powerful formula I know. It will absolutely change the way you play the game!

Try it and see what happens.

And if you want to learn more, email me to register for the workshop.

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About the Author

Picture of Cami McLaren

Cami McLaren

is the owner of McLaren Coaching. She has been coaching professionals and leaders since early 2008. She runs Transformative Coaching Essentials, a coach training program that produces first rate Professional Coaches and "Coach-Style Leaders." She coaches individually and works with organizations to improve communication, time management, productivity and ultimately bring greater results.

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