Creating A Feedback-Positive Environment

Creating Feedback-Positive Environment

Aspects of Feedback There are two distinct aspects when we talk about feedback: giving/offering and requesting/receiving. In our coach training program (, we separate offering and requesting feedback into different training days so the distinction is very clear. It seems that for most people, both are fairly uncomfortable. In the world at large (or at […]

Intention as a Game Changer

Game Changer: Using Coaching to Level Up!  April 13 is the final in our series on “What is Coaching?” The tool this month is intention!  Email me to sign up. (Short, affordable, powerful!) Game Changer What is a “game changer?” The dictionary says it is, “an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift […]

Coaching as a Game Changer – Tip #4

Act With Intention Next in our ongoing series on ways of BEING coach, we have Tip #4 — act with intention!  Intention is deliberate, magical and in some ways invisible.  But there is also a very practical component to it.  Here is the formula we teach our coaches: Intention = Clear outcome + committed action + magic […]

Energy Goes Where Attention Flows

“Energy Flows Where Attention Goes” I first heard this from Lou Dozier ( This may be the most powerful concept I have learned. I used to spend a lot of time focusing on what I did not want, what I did not like, what I wished would change. And you know what I got? What […]

Creation Through Intention – a Summary

Over the last several months, I have learned a lot by reading my guest bloggers’ postings on intention and how they have used it. So here, a summary – everything you ever wanted to know about intention. And links to the blog posts. Nothing left to do but set that intention! The Rules of Intention, […]

Forget the Accursed “How” (Intention #11)

“If we all did the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” –Thomas Edison Another guest blog on intention.  Very simple and straightforward.  Have you ever had this experience?  What do you notice? On setting intent: A month ago, we set up a climbing rope in a tree. My son […]

Intention and Being (Intention, #10)

The following is from one of my book study participants.  We are studying the book, The Art of Possibility, Zander and Zander, in which we talk a lot about who to BE in order to get what you want.  Keri illustrates this brilliantly in the following blog post. “The way you see people is the […]

What is Your True Intention? (Intention, #9)

I am so honored to have this guest blog from my good friend, Suzi. I love to see and hear how people who are not my clients approach this topic. I learned a lot from this post. I will recap for you at the end.  From Suzi: My idea of what Intention is is ever […]

Taking Ownership and Being Intentional (Intention, #8)

Proving you do not need to hire a coach in order to learn about, and apply, intention, here is a blog post from a client’s husband.  What I love about Tim’s description of manifesting his professorship is the way that he became clear on his end goal and then followed up with clear and committed […]

Based on Results, You Have What You Intended (Intention, #7)

I always learn so much when I have other people write my blog posts. I’ve been learning a lot about intention this last few weeks, and now I want to share my own recent experience with intention. This one I call, “Based on Results, You Have What You Intended.” This concept is a great way […]