I love this quote by Annie Lamott. Not just because I love Annie Lamott so much, but also because it’s just so true. When my printer doesn’t work, I unplug it. When my zoom doesn’t work, I log out and back in. This works 90% of the time. And here is the thing – I only have to unplug it for a couple minutes.
This is what I sometimes forget. I don’t have to go on a long vacation. I just need to stop for a bit.
I don’t know about you, but I tend to go go go. Like there is this race and I’ve gotta finish it because then I will get all the money and the prize and the fortune and the fame.
I don’t know what I’m after that makes me feel like I cannot stop for just a moment. And then come back.
Yesterday I saw it. I felt tired and annoyed and did not want to do the things. My first reaction to that is, “Come on; let’s go. Keep going.” So interesting. But I didn’t. I took a nap. Then I got back to it and soon felt that way again. So I took a walk. And got back to it. Then I felt that way again. So I went to spin class.
What I have learned is to unplug myself as much as is needed and it does not need to last a long time. And also, that it is an experiment – what I need in any given moment. Not all or nothing. Being present. To myself and my experience. Noticing when things are getting glitchy and unplug myself!
So that’s it, my friends – my blog post for March is when you notice it’s not working, unplug yourself!