The power of coaching. The power of people.

If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.”  —Thomas Edison

I fell into coaching.  It was an accident.  Or so I thought.  Once here I had that experience so many people talk about – I found my calling.  I find coaching to be such a powerful practice.  I have had more than one person say to me, “you changed my life.”  And I say to them what they already know:  “You changed your own life.”  And also, “Thanks for letting me be a part of that.”

Change can be tough.  It’s why I like coaching.  It is this supportive and empowering process where people are able to tap into their own internal resources, strength, courage, confidence, and find the ability to do things they never thought they could.  Whenever I am looking to create change in my life, I turn to my coach to support me in seeing things differently, to see where I am stopping myself, to hold me accountable to my dreams and desires.

I am looking around at the world right now and I am saddened.  But also I am hopeful.  We are at a powerful transition point and things are, for many people, harder than they have ever been.  But here is what I have learned – people are amazing.  People are more amazing than you could ever imagine.

I sometimes get paralyzed by the overwhelming nature of all I see around me.  And the news media that offers me so much more of the bad than the good.  And when I get paralyzed, I think to myself, “ah there is nothing I can do.  I’m worried.  I’m scared for everyone affected by all the crises, but I can’t make a difference.”

But then I see what is being done by the beautiful people of the world – my friends who are lawyers, educators, care providers – and they are offering free services wherever they are needed.

When I get down I can look and be inspired to action by those who are also acting.

Like Alexis Bernard.  Alexis is one of our brilliant coaches.  She not only is on the staff for our coach training, and works a full time job, but she is organizing a program of free coaching for those who have been furloughed or lost their jobs.  It is so inspiring to me to see what she is creating, the vision that she has – a vision where everyone has access to a resource that will help them change their own lives.  Please click the link for more info:

So I am joining her, contributing money to the go fund me that will support the free coaching.  And whatever else she needs to run this program.  Please consider donating.  Or if you have been furloughed or lost your job (or know someone who has) please email her.  You will be amazed at the power of coaching.  The power of people.


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About the Author

Picture of Cami McLaren

Cami McLaren

is the owner of McLaren Coaching. She has been coaching professionals and leaders since early 2008. She runs Transformative Coaching Essentials, a coach training program that produces first rate Professional Coaches and "Coach-Style Leaders." She coaches individually and works with organizations to improve communication, time management, productivity and ultimately bring greater results.

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