Coach Highlight – Joan Virginia Allen

Joan Virginia Allen

CM: When did you complete the Transformative Coaching Essentials program and what are some of the most valuable things you got out of it? JVA: I am Student Zero. I was the first enrollee in the first TCE in 2019 and completed the program that year. I found my life and coaching purpose: To explore, […]

Weekend 5 of Transformative Coaching Essentials 2024

Weekend 5 of the Transformative Coaching Essentials program was nothing short of eye-opening. We dove into several essential coaching concepts, sharpening our skills and broadening our perspectives. From the power of reframing to understanding unconscious behavior patterns like “drift,” it was a weekend filled with valuable lessons and growth. Let me walk you through the […]

January Themes & Observances

Below you will find a wide range of important social, cultural and awareness topics that are highlighted throughout January. Click any illustration to enlarge it.

December Themes & Observances

Below you will find a wide range of important social, cultural and awareness topics that are highlighted throughout December. Click any illustration to enlarge it.

Coach Highlight – Lorna Gill

CM: When did you complete the Transformative Coaching Essentials program and what are some of the most valuable things you got out of it? LG: I went through the program in 2020 – the year of COVID. After just two in-person training days, we had to pivot to online! The year was full of unexpected […]

One Song at a Time (or, How I Get Through Life…and Spin Class)

I’ve been going through some stuff lately and maybe I’ve been spinning more than usual because it helps me for some reason. I was thinking about how hard it is. (Spin class, not life; though both at times!) Try it if you don’t believe me. I was reflecting on the way I’ve learned to approach […]

Weekend 4 of Transformative Coaching Essentials 2024

Reflections on Weekend 4 (Transformative Coaching Essentials): Learning, Growth, and the Art of Receiving Feedback At Weekend 4, we focused on learning effective strategies for asking for feedback, and spent much of the day role-playing the art of enrolling new clients. Here’s a snapshot of what we accomplished, along with some valuable insights into how […]

Soliciting Feedback: Scary yet Imperative

Whether you’re a business leader, a team member, a parent or a partner, actively seeking feedback can provide insights that help you get what you want. There is a principle in coaching that people are blind to how they show up in the world. If you want change, you need to find out how you […]

Coach Highlight – Ali Goff

CM: When did you complete the Transformative Coaching Essentials program and what are some of the most valuable things you got out of it? AG: I graduated in December of 2020 and in addition to the coaching skills, I also made some life long friends, improve my relationships and started a new business! CM: Do […]

Weekend 3 of Transformative Coaching Essentials 2024

Building Trust and Effective Feedback: Insights from Transformative Coaching Essentials This past weekend, we examined the foundations of a safe and effective coaching relationship. It was a transformative experience that underscored the importance of trust and feedback in fostering growth. Here’s what we learned: The Essence of Trust Our discussions centered around trust—its significance, how […]