The Importance of Debriefing

The Importance of Debriefing

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein Do you ever feel like you are running from one thing to the next? The list of reasons this might not be fun or effective is long, but let me focus on one today. Often when you go […]

Weekend 2 of Transformative Coaching Essentials

Weekend 1 at Transformative Coaching Essentials

During the second weekend of Transformative Coaching Essentials (TCE), participants explored core challenges that impede goal achievement. The focus was on identifying barriers, overcoming them, and taking full ownership of our desires—crucial steps for both personal growth and client coaching. Here’s a summary of key insights and reflections from the coaching staff: Key Learnings Identifying […]

Coach Highlight – Paul Briley

Paul-Briley, Off the Comma

CM: When did you complete the Transformative Coaching Essentials program and what are some of the most valuable things you got out of it? PB: I completed the 2021 cohort in the summer of 2022. It was one of the deepest development experiences of my life. I would say it was more challenging than my […]

October Themes & Observances

It's October!

Below you will find a wide range of important social, cultural and awareness topics that are highlighted throughout October. Click any illustration to enlarge it.  

Weekend 1 of Transformative Coaching Essentials

Weekend 1 at Transformative Coaching Essentials

Weekend One of our coach training program is always such a celebration. My favorite part is meeting all the people. We work with a diverse group of humans who want to learn about themselves and make the world a better place: People who are bringing coaching into their leadership positions People who want to learn […]

Unconscious Limits: How Rules Shape Our Reality

“Rules and regulations do not make a person correct, they only make them consistent.” –Calvin Coolidge ——- In coaching and change, one of the predominant questions is, “How much possibility can you see?” One of the things I consistently do is work on finding all the ways that we limit ourselves from seeing possibility. One […]

Coach Highlight – Stephanie Alston

Coach Highlight: Stephanie Alston

CM: When did you complete the Transformative Coaching Essentials program and what are some of the most valuable things you got out of it? SA: I graduated with the class of 2023. Aside from being certified to coach professionally and now having an additional income stream, I gained incredible communication skills that have transformed my […]

Coach Highlight – Pat Malandra

CM: When did you complete the Transformative Coaching Essentials program and what are some of the most valuable things you got out of it? PM: I completed my transformative coaching essentials program in 2020. Some of the most valuable things I got out of it are obviously my coach training – having the ability to […]

New Beginnings

On July 27, we started our fifth coach training cohort. I am so excited to be with these amazing humans. It made me think about beginnings. You know how sometimes when you start something it might kinda meander? Like when you get to work and you don’t know where to start so you open your […]

Top 8 Myths About Becoming a Life Coach

In talking to people about participating in our coach training program, here is what I hear the most that I would like to debunk – here and now! 1. You Need to Have Your Own Life Together First: Many people believe that to be a life coach, you must have a flawless life. In reality, […]