There is no Such Thing as a “Normal” Week

Sometimes it’s useful to just say what is so. There are stories we tell ourselves that are unexamined and do not contain all the truth. This is one of them. As you know by now if you’ve been reading my blogs, one of the things my clients do on their calls with me is “declare” […]

The REALITY of Enrollment

A Specific Model for Enrollment – REALITY We have been talking about the concept of “enrollment” – communicating with others in a way that they feel heard and that generates cooperation, collaboration and ownership. You cannot enroll if you cannot see reality. You must clearly see the other person’s reality to enroll them in anything. […]

Beyond Goal Setting – The Power of Declaration

I always think, at this time of year, about new beginnings and about creation.  Intentional creation.  This is appropriate anytime really.  You can always intentionally create.  But for some reason our brains really like the first of the year.  So I am taking a break from my “Habits” blog series and going to talk about […]

The Power of Habit, Part I

I once heard someone say that everything we do – every day, all day – is either part of an old habit or part of a new habit. Last week, I posted this riddle: I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you […]

The Secret to Change

Below is a piece I discovered some time ago.  See what you think the answer might be.  Feel free to comment at the bottom.  I’ll come back with the answer next week: I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to […]

The Voice in Your Head

Here is a topic I talk to my all of my clients about. And yes, this is business coaching. This is a secret known to coaches and others who work with people who want to accomplish something. When we want to accomplish something – in business or elsewhere – we often get stopped or stuck. […]

Mass Exodus – The Downside of Rapport

Have you ever noticed you could be in a large room full of people all participating in the same training, all raising their hands to participate, all laughing at the same time, and then one person gets up to go to the bathroom. And then another person gets up to go to the bathroom. And […]

Guest Blogger – Lessons From Dogs Five Life Lessons From Tucker Summit Register – April 14, 2017 It’s hard to believe, but my baby boy (for those of you who don’t know, that’s my miniature poodle, Tucker) turned 13 last week! He is doing well, with the exception of a little arthritis, and a good deal of hearing loss. That’s […]

Guest Blogger – Lessons From Dogs

Five Life Lessons From Tucker Summit Register – April 14, 2017 It’s hard to believe, but my baby boy (for those of you who don’t know, that’s my miniature poodle, Tucker) turned 13 last week! He is doing well, with the exception of a little arthritis, and a good deal of hearing loss. That’s actually […]

Guest Blogger – Lessons from Dogs

I recently met a coach who writes a lovely blog. I got the chance to spend some time with her and her pup. I learned a lot. There are lessons everywhere, not the least of which from animals. Click the link and enjoy her post. You will learn some things! Kim Geil, from Coaching Heights […]