Coach Highlight – Megan Moore

CM: Why did you enter TCE? And/or, what did you want to get out of it?

MM: I enrolled in TCE to deepen my communication and leadership skills. At the time, I was one year into running my solo law practice and in my eleventh year as an attorney. I believed TCE would support how I wanted to grow my firm and possibly open me to a new line of business via coaching.

CM: What is the most valuable thing you got out of TCE?

MM: This is a tough question because it’s hard to pick one thing. So, I’ll bend the rules here and give you two! First, the relationships I formed. The people who come to TCE commit to growth and are compassionate human beings. I have remained friends and colleagues with numerous people from my cohort, and I am comfortable reaching out to any of them for a chat, business advice, or a coaching session. Second, a different way to be with people – not just clients – all people. I deepened my listening skills and learned what impact being curious with people can have. I truly changed the way I show up with clients, friends, family, and complete strangers. My relationships are more meaningful as a result.

CM: Did your reasons for entering the program change through the program and if so, how?

MM: My reasons didn’t change, but my outcome did. Midway through the program, I decided I wanted to focus my energy on launching my own coaching practice, rather than growing a law firm. I saw that I could help people without the adversary nature of the legal work I was doing and include more speaking and training in my business.

CM: What are you doing now with your coaching education?

MM: I am the founder of Megan Moore, Inc., so I am a full-time business owner, coach, and consultant. My business launched in January 2021, and since then I have had a steady stream of individual clients and coaching groups. I also consult with law firms and educational organizations to provide workshops and training on leadership, accountability, goal setting, and career growth. I also continue to support TCE, first as a staff coach and now as a guest coach, where I get to see the growth and change in others who come to this program.

Learn more about Meg:

On her website

Connect with Meg on:





About the Author

Picture of Cami McLaren

Cami McLaren

is the owner of McLaren Coaching. She has been coaching professionals and leaders since early 2008. She runs Transformative Coaching Essentials, a coach training program that produces first rate Professional Coaches and "Coach-Style Leaders." She coaches individually and works with organizations to improve communication, time management, productivity and ultimately bring greater results.

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