Women Lawyers News Reviews Coaching for Attorneys

The Value Of Social Media

When I wrote my book, Coaching for Attorneys: Improving Productivity and Achieving Balance, I was told that I should establish a presence on Twitter and other social media platforms.  I was already well established on Facebook and LinkedIn, but I thought why not try Twitter as well?  I imagine there are many ways to use Twitter and I do not pretend to know hardly any, but one of the more exciting things that occurred for me has been discovering a number of fantastic legal blogs and websites, designed to support lawyers.  The one I want to present to you today is Women Lawyers News.  (www.womenlawyersnews.com)  According to their “about us” page, here is what they do:WLN

◾Every other Tuesday, we post a list of articles/news of interest to women lawyers, on varied topics such as advancing women in practice, balance, health, career development, resources for women lawyers, and more.
◾We also produce our own articles and resources to help improve your life and practice.
◾You can also check out our Guide to Resources for Women Lawyers to find associations, websites, people, books and other resources to help you.

I strongly encourage you to check it out.  Particularly, click on this link to see posted on their home page a review of my book.  Thank you to Women Lawyers News!  www.womenlawyersnews.com


And while we are talking about the book, Coaching for Attorneys, if you are a Sacramento attorney, consider this:

On October 21, we are launching a new coaching workshop – a 6-session series where I will coach a group of attorneys on two of the chapters in my book (Coaching for Attorneys).  The two chapters are accountability and time management for this particular series.  Accountability is the underlying and most foundational tool we can have in practicing law and in making change.  Time management is the topic most requested by attorneys I meet.  In spending 6 weeks studying these two topics from the book, participants will walk away having internalized new ways to manage their time.

The sessions will be bi-weekly over a 12-week period so there will be 2 weeks between sessions to practice the tools and really get them down.


*  If you are challenged in managing your time, this will be a great coaching series for you.
*  If you’ve always wanted to experience coaching, but haven’t been sure about the investment, this is a great series for you at only $210 for the entire series, if you own the book already!
*  If you bought Coaching for Attorneys: Improving Productivity and Achieving Balance, but have not read it yet, this is a great opportunity to work through parts of the book with other attorneys

Email me with questions or to reserve your spot:  cami@mclarencoaching.com

About the Author

Picture of Cami McLaren

Cami McLaren

is the owner of McLaren Coaching. She has been coaching professionals and leaders since early 2008. She runs Transformative Coaching Essentials, a coach training program that produces first rate Professional Coaches and "Coach-Style Leaders." She coaches individually and works with organizations to improve communication, time management, productivity and ultimately bring greater results.

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