Communication – Turns out it’s not About the Nail

Want to learn to be an effective communicator? This video says it all. I know that when that other person tells you about their situation, you can see the problem. And that you can see (well, believe you can see) the solution. Plain as the nose on their face. I know it is crystal clear […]

Start Where You Are

Endings and Beginnings I woke up on Monday, January 3, ready to go – the beginning of a New Year! We get very excited about the end of one year and the beginning of another; don’t we?!? Even though I personally do not believe this is the only time in our lives we can consciously […]

The Value of Coaching: Illuminating Choice

Carl Jung Iceberg quotation

Quick quiz: What is coaching? Okay; too broad? Try this question: what is the purpose of coaching? Coaching brings awareness to the choices you make and the choices you have in order to get what you want in your business and your life. When you hire a professional coach it will be with a desired outcome – more income, better […]

The Risk to Blossom

Flower blossom graphic with quotation

So I was in spin class… …the instructor talked about planting grass seed and how you have to rake the ground and lay down the seed and rake it again. (Yes; this is what we do in spin!) But wait – rake it again? What if this is a metaphor for our personal growth – […]

The New Rules of Leadership

People standing on a hill arms raised

There is a trend that has been emerging over the last 30 years and is still gaining steam as its benefits are seen in the workplace and the bottom line. It has been called servant-leadership – a leadership philosophy in which the goal of the leader is to serve. This is different from traditional leadership where the […]

On The Merits of Getting Messy

Child playing with Legos

When my first son was a toddler, he had toys with lots of pieces. I put all the pieces from each toy or game into its own separate bucket so I could be organized. As he grew, my boy was very cooperative about only playing with one thing. He would get the bucket and play […]

What I Heard Today in Spin Class, #937

Neon Change graphic

I love my spin class. I love the people who work there. I spend so much of my life working on inspiration – with myself and others. Working on how to say things to create meaning. And each day in spin someone says something. (Indoor Cycling Sacramento | TEAMride ( Sunday it was Tash – […]

Intention as a Game Changer

Game Changer: Using Coaching to Level Up!  April 13 is the final in our series on “What is Coaching?” The tool this month is intention!  Email me to sign up. (Short, affordable, powerful!) Game Changer What is a “game changer?” The dictionary says it is, “an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift […]

PSA: What is a Professional Coach, Really?

Professional coaching is a rapidly growing industry.  It is gaining in credibility.  Coaching is remarkably effective and utilized in the biggest organizations and by the most successful professionals.  And yet… What is it? When I use the word “coach,” what do you hear? It has long been a term for one who helps athletes achieve […]

Age is Just a Number

Last week, one of my favorite coaches (who happens also to be my mom!) was interviewed for the Washington Post. Such an inspiring article on living in purpose throughout our lives! If you are interested in learning more about the coaching skill set, join us on March 16 and April 13, for the next in a […]