Want Their Buy-In? Ask Questions!

More on the skill of enrollment: John Smith is an attorney. He meets George at a business mixer. George has some legal issues that John believes he can help with so they set a meeting. (While I use the attorney example, these principles apply for whatever business you are in.) The first pre-meeting question John […]

But First, the Rapport

If you want something – anything – that involves another person (and when does it not?), you will need to engage in some level of enrollment.  See last week’s blog for the definition of “enrollment.”  (http://www.mclarencoaching.com/enrollment-the-art-of-collaborative-communication/) We use the tool of enrollment every day. Sometimes we use it successfully; sometimes not so much. Often others […]

Enrollment – The Art of Collaborative Communication

  “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” ~Dwight D. Eisenhower Over the next month, I am going to re-publish some of my older works on enrollment, leading up to my enrollment workshop on June 19 (below). Then I will resume our […]

Persuasive Communication – First Understand Their REALITY

Last night, I had a great meeting with several attorneys in Sacramento. We were discussing “Persuasive Communication: Getting others to do what you want them to do, because they want to.” I was teaching a tool I call “enrollment” and a model of enrollment called “REALITY.” I learned a lot from these attorneys last night […]

Getting to Yes! (Enrollment Part VIII)

The Art of Enrollment, Part VIII – Yes! This month, I am wrapping up my 2013 series on the Art of Enrollment. We have spent this entire year discussing enrollment so you must be very good at it by now! Today I will explain step #7, “Yes!” from my REALITY model of enrollment. Of course […]

Are you Speaking Your Customers’ Language? (Enrollment, Part VII – Teach)

Survey! In preparing for our 2014 series of newsletters, McLaren Coaching would like you to take a quick (2 question) survey to assist us in providing the best content for you. Just click on this link (or paste into your computer’s browser):AECXA3S8ZEWK http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/QWJMFP5 Now, October’s enrollment installment: The Art of Enrollment, Part VII – Teach […]

The Easiest Way to Find the Solution to Any Problem

Often attorneys and managers have similar characteristics.  For one thing both groups, which overlap to a great extent in law firms, tend to spend a lot of time figuring things out on their own.  I am not sure why this is.  I think both groups, believing they have been hired for their talent, fear that […]

Enrollment is Everywhere

We use the tool of enrollment every day.  Sometimes we use it successfully; sometimes not so much.  Often others enroll us instead.  We are always enrolling or being enrolled. Last night, I was watching my current favorite show – Friday Night Lights.  Tammy Taylor (for the uninitiated, she is a guidance counselor who was then […]

Tell Me What’s Going On

Pamela Jones is an estate planning attorney.  She took my Enrollment & Accountability class and shares here how she uses the skill we have been writing about to truly gain understanding of a client’s desires and needs, so she can enroll that person in the service that is right for her.  Check out Pam’s website […]

Enrollment – Moving Forward Together

Another participant in my Enrollment & Accountability series, Ed Lewis, owner of MSE Plumbing, writes about enrolling his wife in the idea that things would work out after financial setbacks.  This is a great illustration that we are enrolling people all the time.  In this blog post, Ed describes a simple enrollment – one in […]