Managers and Their Moods: What You Might Not Know

Managers and Their Moods: What You Might Not Know

“I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather….In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or is dehumanized.” — […]

The Sound of Your Voice

Boy yelling into microphone using his voice

Hup, Hup I was in spin class with Dakota. Such an inspiring human. She says so many things to us that I want to write down. I took note of this one though. She told a story about talking to two different riders one day. In our class, one thing the community does is this […]

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror held in hand - Feedback

Mirror, Mirror Once I was sitting in a meeting with a lawyer. When I looked at him, I realized he had spilled coffee on his shirt. No one said anything. I wonder if he saw it in the mirror later. I wonder how he felt when he realized no one had told him. Feedback Feedback: […]

The Size of Us

RosieRiveter graphic

The Size of Us I was in spin class and the instructor said this: “I know I am a lot. I’ve been told that my whole life. But you know what? I’m enjoying it! I won’t try to be less for you.” I am spinning, spinning and I am thinking. “Wow.” I have also been […]

Coach-style Leadership!

Leadership_womean at whiteboard

Coach-style Leadership! It is a different way to lead. Whether you are designated as a supervisor, manager, or not, you are a leader! You get to choose to lead in your life. And at work. But often there is not sufficient training to step into this position and be effective. So we do the best […]

The New Rules of Leadership

People standing on a hill arms raised

There is a trend that has been emerging over the last 30 years and is still gaining steam as its benefits are seen in the workplace and the bottom line. It has been called servant-leadership – a leadership philosophy in which the goal of the leader is to serve. This is different from traditional leadership where the […]

How to Become a Coach-Style Leader

For those of you in supervisory positions – whether designated “managers” or leaders of another kind, this article is for you! A good leader is someone whose people are productive, innovative and excited to be part of the team. How does an employee — particularly one new to a leadership role — develop the skills to […]

A New View on Leadership

“Today was exceptional in that I learned leadership is not a responsibility–nobody has to lead. It’s a gift, shining silver-that reminds people huddled nearby why each shimmering moment matters. It’s in the eyes, the voice, this swelling song that warms up from the toes and tingles with endless possibilities. Things change when you care enough […]

Lead From Where you Sit (or Stand)

Benjamin Zander on “Leadership”: In the remarkable book, The Art of Possibility, Mr. Zander offers 12 paradigm-shifting tools designed to allow us to learn to see possibility in any situation. One of the tools he calls “leading from any chair.” The metaphor is an orchestra in which there are many “chairs.” Mr. Zander, the conductor […]

On Leadership and Possibility

On Leadership “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” — John Quincy Adams We are all leaders. We may not always show up as leaders, but the potential is there, in every one of us. We may lead in our professions. If we […]