Book Review – For Coaches, Artists, and Humans
This is a strange review, possibly, because I am only half-way through this book. That said, it is easily one of the most profound books I have read in awhile. The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin My son is a musician. He gave this to me for my birthday. My excitement […]
Purpose is More Powerful Than Motivation
Purpose This month I am talking about purpose. What’s Your Why Kevin Durant Motivational – YouTube One of my favorite speakers on this topic is Eric Thomas – an amazing motivational speaker. Motivation is a funny thing. Often we think it is this “feeling” that comes over us. And on some days, it might be. […]
My son went away to college this year. I was sitting at his orientation and the director said this, “Mark Twain once said that the two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you figure out why.” I love this theory of education – as being a […]
Purpose is Motivational
I work in the area of change. Business coaching (most coaching really) is about getting something you do not already have. So lately I’ve been hearing this question: “How do I get motivated?” This is not a new topic. But it’s a great question. “What is motivation?” Most people describe it as some sort of […]
Being a Visionary
Who would you call a “visionary?” Who stands out in your mind? For me, it’s people like Ghandi, Mandela and Martin Luther King. People who took the long view and could see the future and who were so clear on their vision that it gave them the passion and commitment to take bold action in […]
What is Your Purpose?
A beautiful video my son shared with me today that I believe does speak strongly to living life from purpose. Let me know what you think.
The Purpose-Driven Practice – Excerpt from Coaching for Attorneys
“Purpose is a guiding principle that will help you understand what is most important in your life and help you make choices in keeping with that importance. Knowing your purpose will enable you to live all areas of your life with greater meaning, which in turn makes decision-making easier, and results in greater fulfillment overall. […]
What it Means to be a Visionary
Who would you call a “visionary?” Who stands out in your mind? For me, it’s people like Ghandi, Mandela and Martin Luther King. People who took the long view and could see the future and who were so clear on their vision that it gave them the passion and commitment to take bold action in […]