Everything you Want Comes Back to Communication


Why talk about communication? Why should we focus our attention here? Many people want to “improve communication” because they wish to improve relationships. But let’s look at why communication is so important – in business and elsewhere. In business we want to achieve certain results. A “result” is an outcome, like an amount of income and a sustainable profit. And in fact, this is the result most businesses are ultimately after.

If the result the business is after is a sustainable profit level, what relationships are involved? Relationships with support staff; with supervisors; with vendors; with clients? Any or all of these are implicated in building a profit level.

Think about a goal you have — something you are working on right now in your life. Consider what “relationships” are involved. Are you looking for a promotion? This might involve the relationship with your boss or your clients. Do you want to buy a new car? This might involve the relationship with your spouse or the car dealer.

What are all the relationships involved in achieving your goal?

This brings us to our point today – in order to get where you want to go, you must have strong relationships. The most important element in strong relationships is communication. Therefore, the best way to get those results you are after is to develop strong communication skills.

“If you just communicate, you can get by. But if you communicate skillfully, you can work miracles.” –Jim Rohn

If you want more on this important topic, and if you are in Sacramento on October 24, 2017, attend my 1/2 day training on “nuts and bolts of communication.”

Communication 101: Nuts & Bolts of Listening, Speaking & Understanding


  • What would you experience in your personal and professional life if people heard you?  If you heard them?


  • How cool would it be if people understood you?


  • What results will you generate when you master effective communication?


Contrary to what most people believe, it is not something we are born knowing how to do. We learn communication by emulating the people around us growing up and we add to that by way of our own personality and communication styles.

Attend this upcoming seminar to improve relationships and results through these techniques, and more:

·         Reflectively listening

·         Making clear requests and promises to improve clarity & build trust

·         Being intentional in your communication to achieve specific results

October 24 (Tuesday)

8:30am – 12noon


$109/person Take $5.00/person if 2 or more from same company



I attended the Nuts and Bolts of Listening, Speaking, and Understanding with my husband and office manager. We all had a great time and learned a lot about how wecommunicate, how to make requests, and how to listen so that you actually hear what people are saying. This workshop has helped with my communication around the office, with my family, and with my clients. When I communicate more effectively, then everything is so much easier! It is amazing how people respond when they truly feel heard. And in my business (and really any business), clients are much more satisfied and likely to retain my services when they felt like they are understood and heard.


–Alexandria Goff

Law Office of Alexandria Goff

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About the Author

Picture of Cami McLaren

Cami McLaren

is the owner of McLaren Coaching. She has been coaching professionals and leaders since early 2008. She runs Transformative Coaching Essentials, a coach training program that produces first rate Professional Coaches and "Coach-Style Leaders." She coaches individually and works with organizations to improve communication, time management, productivity and ultimately bring greater results.

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