Age is Just a Number

Last week, one of my favorite coaches (who happens also to be my mom!) was interviewed for the Washington Post. Such an inspiring article on living in purpose throughout our lives! If you are interested in learning more about the coaching skill set, join us on March 16 and April 13, for the next in a […]
CANI – Making Life (Business and all of it) Better
I was reading a book this morning that talked about the human aversion to change. It said that even if you are in a highly uncomfortable and/or unpleasant place in your life, you may very well resist making it better. Humans are drawn to the familiar – even if the familiar is painful and bad. […]
Acknowledging Your Courage
This is for all my clients, present and past. This is also for my brave friends and family. This is for all the people I know who walk to the edge of their comfort zone and then lean over. Then step out. Then walk all the way out. Then sometimes come running back. Then walk […]
You Want it? You Gotta Reach for it! S-T-R-E-T-C-H
I was reminded by one of my new clients this week that everything you want is outside your comfort zone. How do I know this? Because you would have it if it was comfortable. This is not always easy to hear. Many of us work hard, often unconsciously, to become as comfortable as possible. I […]
This is for all my clients, present and past. This is also for my brave friends and family. This is for all the people I know who walk to the edge of their comfort zone and then lean over. Then step out. Then walk all the way out. Then sometimes come running back. Then walk […]
When to Let Go? When to Push Harder?
I wrote a blog post last week about letting go ( The week before I wrote a blog about giving it everything you’ve got – don’t give up even when you feel you cannot go any farther ( What has arisen from the feedback is this – how do you know when it’s time to […]
Anything Worth Doing Well
Last night I was talking to some clients about this concept – that, “Anything worth doing well is worth doing poorly at first.” It seems like such a simple concept, but consider how often we just don’t try things because we believe we are bad at them. The first time I played backgammon I lost […]
Are you Feeling Lucky?
Doesn’t it seem like some people are just more successful than others? Some small business owners make it big. Some make it through and sustain a level of success that is just enough to get by. Many never make it even that far. I recently read an article talking about the place of luck in […]