Tips for These Times – TV and Social Media

“You become what you think about most of the time”
― Brian Tracy

I have been so inspired recently by the people reaching out to offer empowering resources and thoughts during these interesting times. I want to do my part and support positivity and abundance. When things change, we have so much opportunity to change also. Here is what I have noticed: all the people are walking in all the neighborhoods. I have clients in California, Atlanta, GA, and Canada, and they all say the same thing. Everybody is walking in my neighborhood. You know what else I noticed – at the very beginning of this quarantine? The people walking or watering their lawns are making a point of talking to me. That was not the case before. They were kind and they smiled, but now they are actually starting conversations with me. People I don’t know. Last Friday night, I looked out my window and I saw my neighbors in a circle, all 6 feet away from each other, having a drink and conversation. You know what else I noticed? The air is clean. The water is clearing up. The dolphins are coming back.

Now, I am not so Pollyanna that I have not noticed the rest of it. There seems to be no toilet paper when I go to the store. And the News is very scary. Every day. All day. And also on Social Media, there is some real fear and negativity.

But…I turned off my TV. I’m not on Social Media. I read the paper once a day for maybe 15 minutes so that I am informed and staying safe and doing my part to keep everyone else safe. There is nothing I can do about the rest of it. I listen to my clients – what they think and learn. Last week the vast majority said, “this watching the news thing is ruining my outlook on life.” It’s one thing to be inside. It’s another thing entirely to constantly watch the opinions of others on how bad it is and how bad it is going to be. Many people are struggling with motivation and when we look closer, turns out that has a lot to do with mindset which has a lot to do with, yep, the vast amount of negative information being allowed in.

You get to choose. For me, I’m gonna wash my hands, walk my dog, read about good things happening, stay 6 feet away and talk to and smile at everyone I see.
Now is a good time for coaching! Email me for a free coaching call so you can experience the positive changes possible in your life right now.

If you are in a law firm or other company, I have a 1 hour webinar/zoom call for you – the. Email back to learn about this way of bringing your office or firm or company together while physically separate, and promoting productivity and well-being in the face of a brand new way of working.

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About the Author

Picture of Cami McLaren

Cami McLaren

is the owner of McLaren Coaching. She has been coaching professionals and leaders since early 2008. She runs Transformative Coaching Essentials, a coach training program that produces first rate Professional Coaches and "Coach-Style Leaders." She coaches individually and works with organizations to improve communication, time management, productivity and ultimately bring greater results.

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