CANI – Making Life (Business and all of it) Better
I was reading a book this morning that talked about the human aversion to change. It said that even if you are in a highly uncomfortable and/or unpleasant place in your life, you may very well resist making it better. Humans are drawn to the familiar – even if the familiar is painful and bad. […]
Avoiding Communication Misunderstandings
Misunderstandings: how often do they occur? And what is the price you pay for them? Whose fault are those misunderstandings anyway? So often in communication people tend to blame the other person for a lack of understanding. And if they don’t blame the other person, then often they blame themselves. I wrote last week about the concept of […]
Communication is a System
The other day, a friend of mine said, “Women communicate better than men.” It was an interesting comment so I asked her, “What do you mean?” She said, “Women tell you how they’re feeling, how their day went, what is going on in their lives.” I said, “Oh, you mean women talk more.” “Well, yes,” […]
Everything you Want Comes Back to Communication
COMMUNICATION –> RELATIONSHIPS –> RESULTS Why talk about communication? Why should we focus our attention here? Many people want to “improve communication” because they wish to improve relationships. But let’s look at why communication is so important – in business and elsewhere. In business we want to achieve certain results. A “result” is an outcome, […]
How Can You Tell if Communication is Working?
When I talk to people about “communication,” I often hear things like, “my communication is fine but he doesn’t listen.” Or “I am clear, but other people are not.” How do you know if communication is working or not working? We’ve never been taught and so we may think everything is fine. From our upcoming […]
What Listening Can do for Your Business
“Sawubona.” It’s an African Zulu greeting that means “I see you.” It has a long oral history and it means more than our traditional “hello.” It says, “I see your personality. I see your humanity. I see your dignity and respect.” In the African village context, where everyone knows one another, it’s an exceedingly powerful […]
The Main Reason we Don’t Listen
I pulled out and dusted off a CD from a long time ago – Suzanne Vega’s “Solitude Standing.” Love the CD – took me back about 25 years. Shockingly, it was released in 1987. I was listening to Tom’s Diner. It is a beautiful and poetic song. It is a poem about a moment in […]
The Voice, In Sum
“Change the voices in your head Make them like you instead.” –Pink, from “F**king Perfect” For the last couple months, I have been writing on this interesting topic. I could write so much more, but let’s stop here and summarize what we have learned: The Voice in your head No matter what you want, in […]
The Voice – A quote (The Voice, part 10)
Simply put, what we are doing in studying the voice is to find an unconscious and sabotaging behavior and make it conscious. Once you make it conscious, it no longer runs you.
“I Can’t” (The Voice, Part 9)
In spin class yesterday, I heard this: “You can do so much more than you give yourself credit for.” (Or something like that. I mean the music is loud and I am exhausted.) But I got to thinking. (Because it’s easier than focusing on pedaling) and I thought, you know it’s true that we don’t […]