Top 8 Myths About Becoming a Life Coach

In talking to people about participating in our coach training program, here is what I hear the most that I would like to debunk – here and now! 1. You Need to Have Your Own Life Together First: Many people believe that to be a life coach, you must have a flawless life. In reality, […]

What is Transformative Coaching?

Transformative coaching is a type of coaching that focuses on deep, lasting change in a client’s beliefs, perspectives, and behaviors. Unlike other coaching approaches that might emphasize achieving specific goals or solving particular problems, transformative coaching aims to fundamentally shift how a person sees themselves and their world, leading to profound personal growth and development. […]


I’m thinking about roadblocks today. I am thinking about the roadblocks that people have in the way of getting the things they want. I’ll be honest. I’m thinking of it today mostly because of the number of people I talk to who want to become professional coaches; people who want to join our Transformative Coaching […]

June is Pride Month

Pride month is connected to the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, or Uprising, which began in the early hours of June 28, 1969 when New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club located in Greenwich Village in New York City. The raid sparked a riot among bar patrons and neighborhood residents as […]

Getting What You Want: A Lesson in Self-Coaching

What do you want? Is it more money? A better relationship? A job you love? Think of something and write it down right now. Before you go forward with this blog post. I’ll do it with you. I want to feel healthy. I want to be free of pain in my body. (Recently, I’ve noticed […]

Thoughts and Feelings

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” -William James This is a lesson I learn over and over again. We have choice in what we decide to think about. Is this a radical notion to you? Or just obvious? Do you do it? Here is where I get […]

Take A Break

McLaren Coaching | Take A Break

I love this quote by Annie Lamott. Not just because I love Annie Lamott so much, but also because it’s just so true. When my printer doesn’t work, I unplug it. When my zoom doesn’t work, I log out and back in. This works 90% of the time. And here is the thing – I […]

The Case for Patience

The Case for Patience

All my life, I have been a person focused on accomplishment. On getting the things I want in this life. Whether that be the job of my dreams, or great relationships. But I have been reading lately about patience. Certainly I’ve heard talk of patience before in my life. But I did not see it […]

Sponsorship Fund for Transformative Coaching Essentials 2024/2025

Testimonial from a Sponsorship Recipient: “I knew that coaching was absolutely the right path for me, consistent with my life’s purpose; but the opportunity for training came to me at a time when I was recovering financially from a family health crisis, and did not have a reliable income stream. When McLaren Coaching agreed to […]


I am reading the book Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength and Happiness by Rick Hanson (also the author of Buddha’s Brain). I found a section I wanted to share, because it articulated something so powerful to me in getting what we want in this life. Determination. Hanson believes “determination” is […]