This is for all my clients, present and past. This is also for my brave friends and family. This is for all the people I know who walk to the edge of their comfort zone and then lean over. Then step out. Then walk all the way out. Then sometimes come running back. Then walk to the edge and step out again. I am blessed to be surrounded by people like this — people always reaching, stretching, growing. People who inspire me everyday with their courage. Not with their fearlessness – we all have fear – but with their willingness to walk past their fear, through their fear, over or under their fear, to get what they want.
My clients are brilliant at this. They stand apart as people who will actually pay someone to push them to their edge. But then, because of this, they are also really great at getting what they want.
So for you this week is a quote from my current favorite book, Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert. This is a book on living life creatively and it applies to anything you do in your life. It addresses who you BE in your life. So to acknowledge you crazy, inspiring travelers is this:
“Be Brave. Without Bravery, you will never know the world as richly as it longs to be known. Without Bravery, your life will remain small — far smaller than you probably wanted your life to be.” –Elizabeth Gilbert