What Do You Want And How Will You Get It?

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the cat. “I don’t much care where…” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the cat. (Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll) ———– So often, people ask […]
Start Where You Are

Endings and Beginnings I woke up on Monday, January 3, ready to go – the beginning of a New Year! We get very excited about the end of one year and the beginning of another; don’t we?!? Even though I personally do not believe this is the only time in our lives we can consciously […]
Intention as a Game Changer

Game Changer: Using Coaching to Level Up! April 13 is the final in our series on “What is Coaching?” The tool this month is intention! Email me to sign up. (Short, affordable, powerful!) Game Changer What is a “game changer?” The dictionary says it is, “an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift […]
How Do You Get What You Want in 2017?
Answer: Look ahead, decide what it is, commit it to writing. (There is more you can do, but this alone will take you a long way.) When is the Right Time to Get Ready for 2017? Answer: Right now. Here we are – 2 weeks from the end of the year. We are, many of […]
Opening Doors
“We enter the year with goals, dreams, intentions, and expectations. But, as a fellow yoga teacher writes, let’s also leave a door wide open to simply receive whatever wanders in.” I received this quote in an email from a friend of mine who is the Interim Administrator of the Sacramento Waldorf School, where my son […]
2016 – Now What?
If you did the guided visualization I posted last week, you will now have a sense of where you want to be at the end of 2016. And you may have created a list of outcomes you want to accomplish. If you didn’t do the visualization, you can do that or you can simply ask […]
Guided Visualization for 2016
Hello and Happy end of 2015! Today I am offering you an exercise that will start you off with goal-setting for 2016. Below is a link to a visualization process that will allow you to see where you want to go this next year. You may want to do it once or twice or more. […]
Closing Down the Year
As 2014 draws to a close, many of us are reflecting on where we have been and thinking about where we are going. In this frame of mind, let me offer you some thoughts to intentionally close out this year. First, I suggest you do something many of us just don’t do very often — […]
Formula for Success, Part VII – Sylvia Starts her Practice
To review, the Formula for Success is: 1. Clearly state your goal. 2. Have an end date for your goal. 3. Get accountability partners. 4. Take action daily. 5. On the projected date of completion, close down. _________________________ Now that we have spent some time analyzing the formula, let’s look at a case example. This […]
Formula for Success, Part VI – Safely Cross the Finish Line
To review, the Formula for Success is: 1. Clearly state your goal. 2. Have an end date for your goal. 3. Get accountability partners. 4. Take action daily. 5. On the projected date of completion, close down. _________________________ Now you have stated your goal clearly and in writing with a clearly defined end date. You […]