The Magic that is Intention (Intention, #6)

Intention is a funny thing.  When we “set an intention,” we take committed action (as set out in our blog post, Intention #5,  And the results of a clear intention combined with committed action are remarkable.  Sometimes it works.  Sometimes it doesn’t.  But it is so much more effective than the alternative – not […]

An Intention or a Wish? (Intention, #5)

Jennifer’s blog post illustrates the premise that if you are bold enough to set an intention, you will have to truly commit to it.  In fact, I would go so far as to say that if you “set an intention” and you do not commit to it through action, it is not really an intention. […]

However Long It Takes (Intention, #4)

I’m excited about this week’s guest blogger. This is from one of the most intentional people I know. The person who taught me about intention long before I went to a coach training program. This blog is from my mom, and it speaks to the “never give up” aspect of intention.  So many things may […]

It’s Not That Hard (Intention, #3)

Intention is remarkably powerful.  So many times, I have had clients tell me they intended something and then they forgot about it and later realized it had manifested in their lives.  Visualization plays a strong part in intention.  “What ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill (Think […]

Intend Your Way of Being (Intention, #2)

Last week, I republished an intention blog that I wrote about a year ago.  ( Since then, it has become increasingly apparent to me how valuable intentionality is to my clients, to my friends and to myself.  It is a very effective concept that is rarely used but when implemented can change everything.  And I am learning […]

Intention — The Real Game-Changer (Intention #1)

“Set your intention.” This is what I heard from my first spin instructor. This was many years ago. I asked her later what she meant. Because I noticed at every class she would say, with some enthusiasm, “Set your intention.” I had heard this expression before but I wasn’t sure what it meant. In the […]

For Success – Set Your Intention

This article was originally posted in July 2015.  I am going to write a blog series on the concept of intention because I have seen it be the dividing line between the very successful and the moderately successful – in any area of life.  I have enlisted the help of my current and past clients […]

The Power of Intention

What does it mean to be intentional? How much can we change in our lives when we declare an outcome at the beginning of the day, or the beginning of a meeting or the beginning of a conversation? To declare the outcome we intend to generate takes us out of being “at effect” of the […]

How do we Choose?

Quick quiz:  What is coaching?  Okay; too broad?  Try this question: what is the purpose of coaching?  The purpose of coaching is to bring awareness to the choices you make and the choices you  have in order to get what you want in your business and your life.  When you hire a performance coach it […]

Saying “Yes” = Saying “No”

Consider this:  Every time you say “yes” to something, you are saying “no,” to something else. For example: “Yes; I will finish the project today” = “No; I won’t be home on time for dinner.” “Yes, let’s buy that house” = “No; we won’t be going to Hawaii this year.” Some of the yes/no relationships […]